Econova was born for want of one of the biggest petroleum group, Exxon Mobil. This needs to solidify the sulphur generated in its Sicilian refinery. In fact, the company that had previously taken Southern Italy’s sulphur output for processing into sulphuric acid has collapsed. So, the consequent lack of a convenient market and the more and more increasing sulphur from refinery to investigate some alternative solution. The solidification seems to be the best, above all if it is realized by means of the Rotoform® technology. So, the group chooses this solution, recognized as one of the most efficient in the segment, and It makes the investment that will bring Enonova to life.
A complete turnkey installation dedicated to Exxon Mobil refinery had been completed at Melilli, near Syracuse, where still now there is the Econova’s headquarter.
It’s in this year that Econova and its supplier start their collaboration in the search of new technologies.
The success achieved lead Exxon Mobil, ENI and ISAB Energy to turns to Econova to solidify their sulphur output. The actual plant is not sufficiently able to satisfy this increasing demand and so a forth one was biult-up. The new plant is also based on four Rotoform® lines and, being completely automated, was among the most advanced in the world with system improvements delivering almost 50% more capacity than the original installation.
Econova builds a third plant, so reaching a total production of 10 t/hr – 24 hrs/day, 365 days/year.
Most of this solidification capacity is already dedicated to the increasing needs of most Sicilian Refineries, such as ERG and ENI Spa.
Econova satisfy the sulphur solidification needs of all the refineries located within Sicily by means of three pastillation lines and it starts its strategic outside the region.
In this year a forth Rotoform plant comes to life. It’s dedicated to the ENI’s refinery in Taranto (Econova Apulia).
Again, the successes achieved with Exxon Mobil, ENI and Lukoil, lead SARAS to turns to Econova to solidify their sulphur output. A complete turnkey installation inside the SARAS most important refinery has been completed at Sarroch (CA), in the beautiful Sardinia island, where the refinery is located Saras starts their collaboration with Econova in the search of new technologies to solidify all the sulphur produced not used locally in molten form. Econova builds another plant, supported by Sandvik Process Systems, able to reach a total production capacity of 36 t/hr – 24 hrs/day, 365 days/year.
Rotoform® technology is in place!
Three Sandvik Rotoform High Speed units have been installed to manage the Saras solidification needs and further expansion has been possible in case of future sulphuric acid could collapse.
Econova growths and its internationalization strategy is oriented towards strengthening its activities in Italy and consolidating operations in Europe, Middle East, and expanding to Asia and Americas Markets.
Furthermore, together with its technology supplier, the company is now seeing major opportunities for growth through diversification into other solidification applications.